Our Neighbors

Windward School has been a neighbor in the close-knit Mar Vista community of Los Angeles for over 30 years. We're proud to partner with so many long-term residents to make it a welcoming place for our students and fellow neighbors. Windward seeks to help maintain the special qualities of Mar Vista that make it feel like a small town in a large city. 

Over the years, Windward has established a positive relationship with the surrounding community through a commitment to a long-standing tradition of service. Windward is proud to partner with many local organizations such as Grand View Blvd. Elementary School and Westside Children's Center. Learn more about these community partnerships on Windward's Service Learning page. 

It is the goal of Windward’s security and operations teams to help maintain a safe environment for the benefit of Windward families and area neighbors alike. Your feedback is always valuable in our continual effort to make adjustments and operational improvements that will better serve the community.

- Greg Moreno, Security Manager

Helpful Windward Contacts
Security & Maintenance
  • Emergencies during school hours: 310-391-7127
  • Emergencies after school/weekends
Greg Moreno 424-289-1179 (Security)
Lindsay Gonzales 818-635-7154 (Operations)
Community Relations
Mar Vista Community Council