Performing Arts Students Team Up With Visiting Actors for Improv Workshop

Windward Communications

Following the success of the recent New Works Festival, producer and Windward parent Todd Garner of Broken Road Productions reached out to Natasha Arnold, Performing Arts Teacher, to share how impressed he was with the W!T student's performance of Timebomb. As a way of building off of that performance, Todd offered to bring in a few improvisers turned successful working actors to meet with our 9th - 12th Grade improv students.

On Tuesday, March 7, Lauren Lapkus (History of the World pt. 2) and Brandon Scott Jones (Ghosts) joined our improv students for a special presentation. The session started with an interview, then an exhibition of a two person improvised performance, and culminated with a joint improv session with our Seniors in a long form style called "The Harold."  

"This was an incredible value for our students," said Natasha. "The ability to hear professionals share how improv has inspired and supported their lives and careers, while also having the opportunity to both witness them improvise, and get to play alongside was inspiring. We are so grateful to have had this opportunity!"

Thank you to Todd, Lauren, and Brandon for joining in the fun!